Wednesday, February 11, 2015

"i'm not going to let the actions of one person keep me from doing what i want to do"

This is going to be a pretty serious post. 

As I mentioned in my Global Degree video, I was assaulted over the summer while volunteering in Costa Rica on my first international trip alone, right after receiving an emergency abdominal surgery and while I was under general anesthesia. 

This is something that not a lot of people know. I've made a pretty big effort up until now to maintain that I was completely fine, only confiding in my close friends and very few family members about what had happened to me. I debated for a long time about whether or not to include this information in my video, and eventually left it in. To be honest, at first I was worried that being the youngest contestant and one of the more inexperienced travelers would be concerning to Michael and Alex, I didn't want them to feel like they would have to babysit me if I was selected. Telling the world, telling people I don't even know, has been one of the scariest things I've ever done. 

But I'm glad I did now, and I know that I needed to. 

I shared the fact that I am a survivor of assault with the world because in getting my global degree, I wanted to restore faith and inspire women everywhere, myself included. Unfortunately, this happens to a lot of women, about one in three in the USA, and many more cases go unreported. I hoped that if I was successful in receiving my global degree, I would be able to confirm for myself that the world is a good and beautiful place, and that the actions of one person cannot drag me down. I refuse to let the world end for myself and I refuse to give up my dreams because one terrible thing happened. I hoped in doing this I would inspire other woken to do the same. I wanted to show women everywhere that it is possible to pick up the pieces and pursue your passions, even after you've been hurt. 

I've already been able to begin to do this, and the contest isn't even over yet. 

The amount of support I have been able to give and receive from people I know (not necessarily super well) has been mind blowing. I've had people come to me with their own stories of surviving and telling me that they've been inspired to go out and see the world, make that move they've been afraid to make, and take risks again. I have no words for how incredible this has been and I want to thank each and every one of these women for reaching out to me. 

And a note to women who dream but have been afraid to do

The world is a beautiful amazing place, and a vast majority of its inhabitants are beautiful and amazing too. The world is much safer than you'd think. 
There will be hard nights but trust me when I say they will become few and far between. 
Don't let the terrible actions of one person diminish your wonder. 
You are wonderful, you are inspiring. You have unlimited potential, and nothing can stop you from doing what you want to do   . There will always be a network of support available to you no matter where you go, even if it can be a little hard to see at first. Hopefully this post can be a step in building a network of love and support in the way that this constest has already begun to unify women from all over the globe. 

I hope to show you all through earning my global degree that we as women can do it. 

If you'd like to watch my video and vote, visit the link below:!contestants/c1gzb
Make sure to like Global Degree on facebook/follow on Twitter so that your vote or share counts! Feel free to share and tell Michael and Alex why I'm the woman for the job! The contest ends tomorrow!

And if anyone needs support, a listening ear, or direction to resources, please reach out to me. <3


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